Creative breakdown

These are some of the questions that help me understand who you are / who your brand or offering is. It may help you clarify the goals of your website. I've often found that when I first hear from clients, they aren't sure exactly what it is they are trying to offer, or don’t know how to frame their offerings.

A Little Homework First

I find it helpful to make a brainstorm document of all the ideas you have about what you envision your business becoming. You can then begin to organize these thoughts into like buckets - by topic, offering, or product type. You may start to see patterns, or you may see outliers that don’t feel like the thing to emphasize…regardless, this exercise can help you to see what your goals are for {re}building your brand.

Feel free to use this as a resource and answer the questions here on your own, or submit this questionaire to me when you finish and I’ll be in touch to set up a short consult to discuss.